After beating the Elite Four, you should level many pokemon, but before that just leveling one will save you time and make the game easier for you. I always level my Blaziken until I get a Kyogre, then I level him until I beat the Elite Four. My answer to this may surprise a lot of you but im going to say that you will complete the game faster if you only level a single pokemon. Is it best to level a single pokemon or many at a time? For sapphire I would suggest choosing Blaziken, because he is a good fit with Kyogre. Blaziken levels the slowest of all but is also the most powerful. Swampart level slower than Trecko but is more powerful then him at the higher levels. Treecko is the fastest leveler but he is the weakest at higher levels. You will get directly to RAYQUAZA.įirst of, there is no best. When your in the Skypillar, get to where the holes are and use DIG. Go to the girls house that is next to the game corner and she ask you to trade say yes and you get the coin case. Go to the poke mart and buy a habor mail then go to Mauville. Note: You must complete the stage with the braille in the currents before these cave are open. Wait for time to pass twice.” his has to do with the history it all, but just keep the window open until it closes and yet again it reveals a hole on the wall. This time read the braille and don’t click again. You will reach a cave just like the others. Surf down until you find an island with one trainer on it. Surf as far as you can to the left so you don’t miss it. Keep on going west until you reach the area below Mr Briney’s. Be forewarned, this one is tough to catch. The braille will now crumble away leaving a hole. The braille on the back wall reads: “Right, right, down, down, then use strength.” It means walk two steps to the right and then two down. Move towards the bottom of the desert to the cave that looks like the one before. Pass the family that has battles with you and pass the rocks that need rock smash used on them and at the end of the path turn right into the desert. To find Regirock, fly to Mauville and make your way up north (up). Once done, the braille on the wall with break into a cave. The braille on the far wall reads: “With new time, hope and love, aim to the sky in the middle.” This means, move to the centre of the room and use fly. In this area you will find a cave with six large rocks around it. To the left, walk up the stairs and continue up through the tall grass. Head right down route 120 until you reach the lady who gives you the Wiki berry where the path now heads east again. To find Registeel, fly to Fortree and head east out of the town (left). Pick it up with less then six Pokemon in your party.

After you read the letter go get the PokeBall on the same table the letters were on. (you can only do this once a day.)Īfter beating the elite four go to the house Steven gave you.

Go to the girl beside the three trees and talk to her and she’ll give you two berries. Soon press a on Rayquaza and your about to battle the most powerful creature in the game at Level 70. Finally, go up the big stairs and save your game. Then move left 1 space orjust go on the second and you’ll fall.

When your at a part where there is 3 cracks and one space on the thirdgo to the third. Keep going until there is a hard part of cycling. Then go inside a small cave also named Sky Pillar. While your surfing go up and go through a few rocks. But, Rayquaza is at a tower called Sky Pillar. Soon, you’ll think there’s nowhere else to go. To get Rayquaza, you must beat the Elite 4. Go deep into the cave use rock smash on smashable rocks to find nosepass. Go to route 106 and go in the granite cave. Bring it to her, she’ll give you the coin case. The girl insie says she wants harboer mail. Go to Mauville City and go in the house to the right of the game corner.